Signature (topology) — In mathematics, the signature of an oriented manifold M is defined when M has dimension d divisible by four. In that case, when M is connected and orientable, cup product gives rise to a quadratic form Q on the middle real cohomology group: H 2 n … Wikipedia
Signature (disambiguation) — A signature is a hand written, stylized version of someone s name.Signature may also mean: NOTOC In computers*Signature block, text automatically appended at the bottom of an e mail message, Usenet article, or forum post. *Method signature, in… … Wikipedia
Signature mark — A signature mark is a letter, number or combination of either or both, which is printed at the bottom of the first page of a leaf. This practise is to ensure that the bookbinder can order the leaves in the correct order.Binding signature markIn… … Wikipedia
Digital signature — This article is about secure cryptographic signatures. For simple signatures in digital form, see Electronic signature. A digital signature or digital signature scheme is a mathematical scheme for demonstrating the authenticity of a digital… … Wikipedia
Mobile signature — A mobile signature is a digital signature generated either on a mobile phone or on a SIM card. Contents 1 Origins of the term 2 Mobile signatures today 3 Mobile Signature with On Board Key Generation … Wikipedia
Method signature — In computer programming, especially object oriented programming, a method is commonly identified by its unique method signature, which usually includes the method name, and the number, types and order of its parameters.[1] A method signature is… … Wikipedia
Acoustic signature — is used to describe a combination of acoustic emissions of ships and submarines. Contributing factorsThe acoustic signature is made up of a number of individual elements. These include:*Machinery noise: noise generated by a ships engines,… … Wikipedia
on a signature basis — Based on one’s reputation or signature, without review. ► “While credit cards operate almost exclusively on a signature basis, debit transactions in the majority of countries are undertaken by using the cardholder’s PIN*, or by a combination of … American business jargon
Spectral signature — Spectral signatures are the specific combination of reflected and absorbed electromagnetic radiation at varying wavelengths which can uniquely identify an object. The spectral signature of an object is a function of 1) incidental EM wavelength… … Wikipedia
key signature — ► NOUN Music ▪ a combination of sharps or flats after the clef at the beginning of each stave, indicating the key of a composition … English terms dictionary
Weiss Ritter/Rein Weiss Ritter — The Weiss Ritter (Weiß Ritter/ヴァイスリッター) is a fictional robot in the Super Robot Wars series. Its upgrade is the Rein Weiss Ritter. It appears as a playable unit in Super Robot Wars Compact 2 series, Super Robot Wars Impact, and the series. Weiss… … Wikipedia